Events & Travel

In between various adventures across more than 50 countries and all 7 continents, I have always held onto my appreciation for events. I’ve been lucky to attend unique cultural celebrations and visit magnificent venues around the world.

It’s Impossible to Write About Afrikaburn
Tankwa Karoo, South Africa

A very personal piece about my experience at an event that is truly fueled by the people: Afrikaburn. I spent 11 days at a regional Burning Man event in the Karoo Desert of South Africa.

Fety Vehivavy: A Party for International Women’s Day
Tsarasambo, Madagascar

While I was living in Tsarasambo, Madagascar, the commune hosted a district-wide celebration for International Women’s Day. It was an exciting day that gave me an in-depth look at the structure of Malagasy events.

The Village Life Cycle
Tsarasambo, Madagascar

A series of stories about a life events around the village that I participated in (or watched from a distance). Journey with me to a Malagasy wedding, a childbirth, a few funerals…and a circumcision.

Bonne Nuit Blanche
Paris, France

In October 2013, I attended Paris’s city-wide extravaganza, Nuit Blanche or in English, “White Night.” Across the city from sun-down to sun-up approximately 2,500 art installations and events took place. My friends and I zig-zagged across the Seine to experience all we could.

La Fête Nationale à Paris
Paris, France

Due to my love of History, I was so excited to stick around Paris into the summer and experience 14 Juillet, France’s National Day on July 14. From being taught the wrong name in school (there is no “Bastille Day” in France!), to learning what a Défilé is- it wasn’t quite what I expected.

A Seven Mile Pink Scarf for Peace
London, England

To honor the anniversary of the hundreds of thousands of lives needlessly lost to nuclear bombs in Japan at the end of World War II, anti-nuclear groups around Europe knit a 7 mile long pink scarf to spread between 2 atomic weapons facilities. I was on-site to help lay it out.

Olympic Venues

Venues of Olympic Proportions
Sydney, Australia

While visiting Sydney, Australia, I was most excited to check out some of their world famous venues: The Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Olympic Park where the 2000 Summer Olympics were held.

Bosnia the Beautiful
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Visiting Sarajevo and Bosnia was one of the most delicately emotional experiences I have had while traveling. Though, there was more than just war in their recent history: in 1984, Sarajevo was host to the Winter Olympics.

Ghosts of the 2004 Olympics
Athens, Greece

While in Greece, I had to take time to learn about the original host of the Olympic Games. I took a dive into the changes Athens made to accommodate the modern games and the positive and negative affects it had on the country and host city.