Events & Notable Projects


Washington DC

Back to In-Person Events in 2023!

CUGH 2023 Global Health Conference
Washington Hilton, Washington DC

In-person April 13-16, 2023, Virtual Sessions April 3-7, 2023

This was the 4th annual conference I planned at CUGH but the first that was in-person. (Virtual 2021 and 2022, Cancelled 2020). It was really inspiring to see how CUGH connects people all over the world in global health. 150 countries were represented and speakers included ministers of health, leaders at the UN & World Bank, and doctors, researchers and directors of global health programs from most continents.

  • Number of virtual satellite Sessions: 17 sessions, 1,439 attendees

  • Number of in-person satellite sessions: 19 sessions (including World Health Summit and AAHCI Global Innovation Forum), 1,119 attendees

  • Number of conference sessions: 8 plenaries, 45 concurrent sessions

  • Number of countries represented: 150 countries represented, 67 at main conference

  • Number of abstracts (posters/orals) presented at conference: 1,068 abstracts submitted, 540 accepted, 445 presented

Roger Glass, the former Director at Fogarty International Center, was the Keynote and Lifetime Achievement Award winner.

Fogarty International Center shared these articles after the conference:

Bloom Voyage, RPCV/W Annual Gala
Woolly Mammoth Theater, Washington

April 29, 2023

This was the first in-person annual gala for the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington DC since 2019. Our organization wanted an opportunity to connect the community and celebrate. This was a chance to share some of the programming that has kept this organization alive through challenging years.

I have served as president of the organization since January 2021. During this time, we have updated our mission, written Community Guidelines that acknowledge power dynamics, held discussions on saviorism, sex- and gender-based violence, racism and equity. We host approximately 60 social events each year- happy hours, bike rides, canoe trips etc. We also offer professional development and community service opportunities.

It has been a lot of work to keep this organization running through a pandemic and with the global evacuation of Peace Corps volunteers, but I am very proud of our accomplishments. You can read a summary of our work in my presidential address below.

United Nations Association Young Professionals Career Dinners- May 6th, 2023

As a Program Officer on the Young Professionals Board of the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area, I provided event support for the semi-annual career dinners held at the United Nations Foundation in Washington DC.

CUGH Annual Global Health Conference
(Virtual 2021 and 2022, Cancelled 2020)

CUGH 2022- Virtual

Manages program, planning, sponsorships, promotion, graphic design, a team of 7, and all of the project details for the annual Global Health Conference at Consortium of Universities for Global Health

CUGH 2021- virtual conference

There were 7,000 attendees from more than 100 countries. Content included 50 concurrent sessions, 30 pre-conference sessions, 7 plenaries with high profile global health leaders and 6 interviews with Global Leaders.

CUGH 2020- Cancelled

CUGH 2020 was scheduled for April 2020 and was unfortunately cancelled a month out due to COVID-19.

Notable speakers included Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID as the keynote as well as Dr. Deborah Birx, US Global AIDS Coordinator, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, Director General of NCDC, Nigeria, Dr. Patty Garcia, Former Minister of Health, Peru, and many many more global health experts from around the world.

We published an eBook with select scientific presentations.

Event Programming at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health

CUGH’s Virtual Summit: The Road to COP27: Climate and Health Through Three Lenses

In October 2021, CUGH organized a symposium leading up to COP26 in Glasgow. The Road to COP27: Climate Change and Health Through Three Lenses, included presentations from experts from around the world who shared high-impact solutions that will address climate change and improve health outcomes. Leaders from the African continent shared what should be in the COP27 meeting in Africa in 2022. 

Attendees were able to provide suggestions and ask questions. Solutions from this symposium were shared publicly and with policymakers including at the COP26 meeting in Glasgow in an open access document.

View the event summary report.

Speakers included:

Victor J. Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine, Agnes Binagwaho, Former Minister of Health, Rwanda, Susan Gardner, Director, Ecosystems Division, United Nations Environment Programme, Charles Okeahalam, Chairman, Amref Health Africa, Laetitia Sieffert, Programme Management Officer, Convention on Biological Diversity, UN Environment Programme, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head, Climate Change and Health Programme, World Health Organization, and Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme.

Global Health Webinars

Executes speaker coordination and production of webinars with distinguished Global Health experts across timezones on prominent topics. These webinars are broadcasted to an audience of 300-500 Global Health students and practitioners around the world.

In 2020 there were 29 webinars produced to continue providing valuable information to our members and beyond regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and disparities that it highlighted, in addition to continuing global health focuses such as:

The Impact of COVID-19 in Africa & Latin America: Challenges & Opportunities

Addressing Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the US


Workshop: How to Launch Your International Project

Coordinated the facilitation of a 2 day workshop in Washington DC:

  • promotion

  • attendee communication

  • catering

  • procurement of all materials

  • happy hour

Workshop 1.jpg
Workshop 2.jpg

Programing and Projects in Washington DC

President (2021-Present) and Special Events Director (2020) of the

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington DC

  • Manages and supports a team of 14 Board Directors

  • Oversees organizational finances, operations, events and programs

  • Steers organization towards making structural changes to address gaps in inclusion and anti-racism practices

  • Facilitated the adoption of community guidelines that acknowledge power dynamics, and strategic goals to support members in a changing landscape of international development 

  • Partners with organizations internationally and across the US to address white saviorism, support victims of sex-and gender-based violence, and support members of the LGBTQIA2s+ community

  • Collaborated with other events directors to adjust programming to a virtual format during the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Co-founded the National RPCV Racial Justice Initiative- which congregated RPCVs who wanted to fight against injustice by partnering with existing organizations addressing voter suppression, health inequity, and racism within the Peace Corps itself.

  • Served on the steering committee for the 60th Anniversary of the Peace Corps Event in DC/Virtual

View the session recording.

More information about the Sex- and Gender-Based Violence Town Halls Can be found here.

Front Woman, Vocalist, Lyricist, and Band Manager of Pine Apple

Austin, Texas

Peace Corps Connect 2019: Innovation for Good

  • Managed logistics and communications for a multi-day conference of 300 attendees, 50 speakers, and 25 exhibitors

  • Coordinated teams in Austin and Washington D.C. via zoom with thorough meeting agendas and timelines to manage projects

  • Trained 20 volunteers and staff to execute event plan and keep flow and timeliness on-site

  • Facilitated venue and vendor specifications for an opening reception at Austin Public Library and the 2-day conference at Etter-Harbin Alumni Center at University of Texas, Austin

  • First photo: With Jody Olsen, Former Director of the Peace Corps

San Francisco, California

Angel Island Adventure

  • Coordinated logistics for 150-200 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from across the Bay Area to get to Angel Island for a picnic and networking event

  • Organized activities such as a treasure hunt, hikes, and international potluck

  • Created event website to explain event details and track RSVPs

Northern California Peace Corps Association Annual General Meeting: A Festival of Cultures

  • Curated content of performers, presenters, and grant awardees

  • Designed marketing, graphics, and slide deck template for event

  • Remotely managed a team of 5 from New Zealand to bring this event to life

  • Produced detailed run-of show to keep event volunteers prepared for all aspects of event execution

Event and Operations Coordinator at cred pr

  • Provided event support in speaker communications, email distributions, and logistics for conferences and summits from 100-2,000 attendees 

  • Designed event materials such as websites, promotional materials, agendas, and email blasts

  • Managed on-site staffing and volunteers at events and multi-day conferences

  • Built a database of venues, vendors, and catering companies


During my 2 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tsarasambo, Madagascar, I focused on multiple projects. Every few weeks, my Malagasy Counterpart, Charlene, and I would facilitate programs to teach preventative measures for the various health problems such as Malaria, malnutrition, or diarrheal diseases in the village.

Preparation for these programs would involve:

  • Creating the program with input from the doctor in the village, the mayor, the secretary at the commune, and other Community Health Workers in Tsarasambo

  • Gathering lessons on the subject in Malagasy and ensuring the vocabulary was culturally appropriate and applicable to daily life

  • Collecting supplies and using locally available food and products to keep the activities accessible

  • Charlene would use word of mouth to ensure high participant numbers

  • Working with Community Health Workers to map the village to monitor illnesses

Young Community Health Workers

  • Facilitated a Training of Trainers to empower young leaders in Tsarasambo to not only take preventative measures in health but teach the community as well

  • Composed a 10 page grant proposal to raise funds for activities in geography, science, reading comprehension, gardening, and art

  • Collected books written in the Malagasy language (which were rare to find) so the students could read stories in their own language, about their home

  • The president of the group, Flora, would gather the students for each program using word of mouth

Youth Empowerment Conference

  • Envisioned a GLOW/MAP (Girls Leading Our World/Men as Partners) Conference where 60 pre-teens from rural villages around the East Coast of Madagascar could attend a week of leadership programs and health education led by Malagasy NGOs

  • Wrote grant to sequester funding from Michelle Obama’s Let Girls Learn Initiative and the United States Government

  • In Malagasy and French, coordinated logistics in the city of Tamatave such as a venue to hold the conference and house 60+ children, chaperones, and volunteers

  • Partnered with Malagasy Programs such as Projet Juene Leader and the Ministry of Education to create programming

Unfortunately this event was postponed due to delayed funding, so I was unable to execute the program while in Madagascar, but Mimi Bui brought the idea to life a year and a half later. Thank you Mimi for your hard work and for the below photos.

Paris, France

WICE Launch Over Paris Publicity Event

  • Organized annual networking and publicity launch of their spring schedule

  • Conducted all business in French and English

  • Visited many potential venues all over Paris

  • Ultimately chose to host the event in an historic high school in the 16th Arrondissement

  • Designed hot air ballon floral arrangements and other decor

WICE Social Events and Activities

  • Coordinated events for members of WICE in and around the city of Paris such as picnics in the park, coffee hours, and museum outings

Across California

That one time my fundraising project for AIDS/LifeCycle was featured on Huffington Post

  • Raised $3,000 for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation

  • Created dress of condoms to promote AIDS awareness and fight stigma

  • Bicycled 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles with 2,000 cyclists in AIDS/LifeCycle 2013

Fresno, California

California Dreaming Fundraising Gala

As President of the Fresno State Recreation Association co-chaired a fundraising gala to connect notable Recreation Administration Alumni with current students to raise funds for activities, professional development workshops, and community service initiatives.

  • Solicited donations for raffle fundraiser, as well as donated food and wine

  • Designed unique centerpieces to represent theme of “California Dreaming” featuring live gold fish (in treated water and released into a pond after the event)

  • Managed committee of fellow students and served as a liaison with faculty, including the College Dean and Department Chair

Backcountry Film Festival

Partnered with REI, China Peak Ski Resort, Kings River Rafting, and other local recreational outfitters to bring the Backcountry Film Festival to Fresno State as a fundraiser for scholarships and professional development opportunities for students.

Rollin’ With Da ‘90s: A Nostalgia Fest

  • Brought students together for a warm and fuzzy escape from mid-terms

  • Sourced clubs from around Fresno State to contribute booths and activities to a 1990s Nostalgia Fest

  • Built a “Walk Down Memory Lane” Exhibit for students to explore and reflect on their childhoods

  • Created balloon stands with toys, games, and stuffed animals from the 1990s to decorate the event

  • From this project, was awarded “most creative coordinator” and most “original event idea” by University Student Union Productions, the on-campus event planning group.

Fresno Speaking Out Against Gangs

In partnership with Fresno Street Saints, we put together a panel of former gang members, a retired police officer, a woman who lost her son to gang violence, a lawyer, and a Fresno State Criminology Professor to answer questions about gang violence and prevention on the streets of Fresno.

300+ students were in attendance.


Floral Design

Where technique meets creativity.

Worked as a floral assistant for 1.5 years at Fresno State Floral in Fresno, California

Projects included:

  • Providing floral for a wedding at the world famous Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly Ahwahnee Hotel) in Yosemite National Park

  • Designing corsages, boutonnières, bouquets, and center pieces for weddings in the Central Valley

  • Creating large arrangements for funerals and special events

  • Yielding high requests during holidays and fashioning thematic floral ornaments

  • Building a floral float for the Fresno Christmas Parade with the team

Center-piecing it all together.

Events require creativity and a centerpiece is faithfully at the center of it all.
Below are 4 stories about tying together themes into unique centerpieces while using resourcefulness to overcome limitations.

Full Circle: High Budget

For the Exploratorium’s Grand Re-opening in 2013, we needed a centerpiece for the $100,000 donor tables in the stunning Observatory Room at the iconic San Francisco museum’s new location on Pier 15. My boss, who’d been in the event planning business for 35 years, and I brainstormed ideas. Using the Exploratorium’s new branding of a “circle,” she dreamt up a glowing circle. Simple and elegant.

To give her exactly what she envisioned, this project sent me on a chase around the Bay Area to get the proper plastic designed for the circle, a base with room for a battery, and el-wire to light it up. I delicately put them together in a sleek design. The centerpieces were a hit with the guests who were seen fighting over taking them home.

California Dreaming: Medium Budget

While serving as President of the Fresno State Recreation Association, I chaired a gala to raise funds for scholarships and professional development activities in the field of Recreation Administration. We’d been gifted the charming event space at Wedgewood Weddings through our Vice-President, a catering manager there.

We wanted a centerpiece that represented the theme of California Dreaming and our gorgeous state. Fresno, in the heart of California, is truly at the center of everything: mountains, beaches, wine country, and agriculture. Using candelabras donated by Wedgewood, I pieced together fresh flowers, grapes and corks, shells, and live gold fish for a twist. The water was treated and the fish were added to my friend’s pond after the event. None were harmed and they made for a memorable embellishment.

Prepared to Launch: Low Budget

When I was working on the spring publicity launch for WICE Paris, I loved the idea of hot air balloons as a theme to commemorate the first hot air balloon launch which took place over Paris in 1783… and of course, to represent our “launch.”

This vibrant concept gave me so much to work with and the great opportunity to adventure around Paris in search of materials. In my walks around Paris, I would always pass boutique floral shops filling the street corners with fragrant colors. I was nostalgic for my time working in a floral shop and had been waiting for a chance to practice with some stems again.

I knew I wanted a floral base, but what for the balloon? I took the Métro to Chinatown and found bright lanterns and baskets. I used rods and some elementary physics to support the balloons, and found floral foam to weigh it all down so they wouldn’t tip. I thoroughly enjoyed making these.

The Gift of Growing: No Budget

One of my first event projects in university in 2010 was working with the CFO of Fresno Street Saints, a local organization in Fresno with a mission to support families and prevent young children from falling into gang life.

The organization was holding a fundraising luncheon with a prominent speaker Gus Newport, and the Mayor of Fresno in attendance. We needed a centerpiece to distinguish the sponsor tables, but had no budget.

One day, the CFO brought me a bundle of green garden stakes and challenged me to make something of them. I stared at the twigs for a while and considered the passion of community growth that was behind Fresno Street Saints organization. I gathered smooth river rocks to weigh down the stakes, and floral garland to emerge from the stones and crawl up the stake.

“There are no crazy ideas!”

One of my college professors with a PhD in Event Management always said “there are no crazy ideas.” To me this is the truest beauty of event planning. Events give me an opportunity to bring ideas to life, to build experiences for people, and to create magic. I was truly lucky to discover my passion for event planning at a young age. I continue to use events to connect with my silly inner child. Even as I plan professional events- sometimes for venture capitalists- I still bring the color. And I always hold onto the magic.


A Sweet Night in Candyland

Over a decade ago, one of my first and most harrowing event projects was as Junior Class President planning prom. The theme was Candyland and I wanted to do it justice. Along with some friends and the help of my dad and the woodshop teacher, we brought to life 6 gigantic wooden cut-outs of Candyland characters. I had to jump through many hoops to make this happen. There was no greater joy than dancing with Mr. Mint at my own prom.

Let’s create some magic together.